Means you can use it like a Str (because it is one), but if the message If you store the result of a localized call, you’ll get a Hashy Str. Basic Usage use Fluent add-localization-basepath (' localization ') add-localization-languages (' en ', ' es ') say localized (' helloworld ') # ↪︎ 'Hello World!' (if system set to English) say localized ' helloworld ' # ↪︎ '¡Hola mundo!' (if system set to Spanish) Features should work, but if you supply specific options for number formatting (significant figures, etc) they may be slightly off. It should be used with caution at the moment. Note: This module is currently undergoing a top-to-bottom rewrite. The idea is to provide both an interface and code that is maintainable, usable, Implementation based on the design documents, but it is not actually a port.
A Perl 6 / Raku module that implements Mozilla's Project Fluent.