I'm not able to get a sort of launcher were I can adjust the advanced settings. The following step should be to open the ETW app and do some stuff in the Advanced Options right? If I open the ETW app on my desktop it just runs the vanilla ETW game. I have to click a bunch of notifications saying file not found, just as you described. I select some settings (just changing it to 4 turns per year) and hit start. Firstly, I open the DME Platinum.exe with Wine in my EmpireData/data/data/DME folder.
In the latter there is the data (lowercase d) folder, which I guess should be used for the installation location of DME and the patch right? Am I selecting the right installation location? In the former there is a folder Contents/Resources, but in this folder is no such data (lowercase d) folder. I have two folders in the ~/steamapps/common/Empire Total War folder, namely Empire: Total War.app and the folder EmpireData. The install location seems to be different. I'm trying to install Darthmod on an Mac, but I'm using Steam.